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Contact Info


888 Washington Blvd.
Office: 5th Floor (South)
Stamford, CT 06904
United States

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Transportation information for the 2024-25 school year and student bus assignments are available in PowerSchool.  Please login to see your student's route assignment. Bus routes for each building are available in the left column of this page (updated 9/2/24). The transportation department is finalizing bus routes for the 2024-25 school year. Bus routes are adjusted annually based on projected enrollment and the home addresses provided by parents. Bus routes, bus numbers, bus stop locations, and pickup/drop-off times are subject to change annually.

Before contacting the transportation department, check to see if your question is answered below. If you still have a question, please complete this form. The transportation department receives a high number of inquiries in August and will respond to inquiries in the order in which they were received. 

If your child is new to Stamford Public Schools (i.e. incoming kindergarten student or transferring from another district) or you are a returning family that has recently moved within Stamford, you must take action NOW to ensure your child has a bus assignment for the first day of school.  Please click on the navigation to the left to complete the proper forms.

Did you know? Stamford Public Schools runs more than 600 bus routes daily to transport approximately 12,000 K-12 students to/from 22 school buildings.

Finding your child’s bus assignment: Your child’s bus assignment is posted in PowerSchool.  Please login to see your assignment. Morning and evening bus routes for each school will also be accessible in the column on the left.


Name Title Phone
Patricia Williams Transportation Manager (203) 977-4249
Michelle Stamm Transportation Specialist (203)-977-4041