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Scientific Research Based Interventions (SRBI)

Family Guide to Scientific Research-Based Interventions (SRBI)

What is SRBI?

SRBI stands for Scientific Research-Based Interventions. In other states, it is referred to as Response to Intervention (RtI) or Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). All terms describe a process that provides a continuum of instructional support for students in both academic and social-emotional/behavioral areas based on individual student need.

What are the key components of SRBI?

Though the process may look different at the elementary level versus the secondary, there are key components that are consistent across all schools and levels in Stamford. These include:

  • High quality core instruction for all students
  • Universal common assessments
  • System of increasingly intensive supports matched to student need
  • Research-based strategies and interventions
  • Progress monitoring
  • Collaborative team decision-making
  • Parent engagement
How does the system of supports work?

The continuum of supports is often pictured as a triangle of 3 tiers of increasingly intense support matched to student need.

Tiers graphic

Tier 1
  • Bottom section of the triangle above.
  • Includes high quality core curriculum and instructional practices that EVERY student receives in the general education classroom.
  • Instruction is differentiated to meet the varying needs of students within the classroom.
  • For all students.
Tier 2
  • Middle section of the triangle above.
  • Students who struggle with meeting grade-level expectations academically or social-emotionally/behaviorally may receive Tier 2 support in addition to Tier 1.
  • Support includes a targeted, research-based intervention matched to the specific student’s need.
  • May be provided in class by the classroom teacher or as a pull-out in a small group by an interventionist.
  • For some students.
Tier 3
  • Top section of the triangle above.
  • Students who do not make sufficient progress in Tier 2 may also receive Tier 3 services.
  • More intense, targeted, research-based interventions aligned with student need.
  • Usually provided in a much smaller group or 1:1 outside of the classroom.
  • For a few students
How are students identified for support?

Schools use universal common assessments that have identified grade-level benchmarks. Students who do not meet these benchmarks or who are otherwise identified as struggling academically or social-emotionally/behaviorally are considered for Tier 2 intervention. A team of school staff, with parent involvement, discusses the student’s strengths and needs and determines if an intervention is needed and, if so, what that intervention will be.

The progress of students receiving Tier 2 or 3 intervention is reviewed regularly. Staff providing Tier 2 and 3 intervention use progress monitoring to demonstrate the growth the students make as a result of the intervention. This progress is reviewed regularly to ensure that the student continues to make the necessary progress to reach benchmark. Students that don’t make the desired growth may be considered for Tier 3 supports or, following Tier 3 supports, a referral to the Planning and Placement Team for consideration of a special education evaluation.

How can I support my child?

Parents know their children well, and as such, are key members of the SRBI team. School teams keep parents engaged in and informed about their child’s progress in a variety of ways. Regular progress updates are provided through report cards and updates on the parent portal. Teachers who have concerns about a student’s progress are expected to share these concerns with parents via phone calls, in-person meetings, or emails.

If your child is brought to the attention of the SRBI team, you will receive a phone call from school staff as well as a letter. Parents are invited to participate in intervention planning meetings with the school teams. Parents are also encouraged to reach out to their child’s teacher(s) with any concerns they may have.

The Connecticut Parent Information and Resource Center suggests the following ways to support your child at home:

  • Make reading an everyday habit
  • Talk with your child’s teachers
  • Check homework assignments and assist when necessary
  • Review your child’s progress regularly
  • Celebrate your child’s strengths, talents, interests, and successes
  • Learn more about what is being taught and how it is being taught at your child’s school
  • Participate in parent-teacher-student conferences and other school functions with your child.


Staff Contact

Tracy Stuart, TOSA for Tiered Support/Data K-12

(203) 977-7949