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Parents Corner

Stamford Coalition of Parents Expecting Success

SCOPES is group of parent volunteers dedicated to improving the lives of families in our community, especially those with children who can and should receive special education services. Working as a Committee of the Parent Teacher Council of Stamford, SCOPES will provide a parent support network and serve as a community resource on issues related to special education.

SCOPES has an Advisory Board.  If you have a question, or want to become involved, please contact the President of SCOPES or the SCOPES Parent Contact at your school.

Stamford Coalition of Parents Expecting Success
2024-25 Meeting Schedule

Meetings are at 6 pm at AITE (unless otherwise noted)

  • September 11: Meet the SPS Special Education Team and learn how to access CT-SEDS
  • October 9: Transition Information 
  • November 13*: IEP and 504: What’s the Difference?
  • January 15: Managing Disagreements about Your Child’s Special Education Program
  • February 12: Now What?
  • March 12: Understanding Challenges & Behavior Issues
  • April 9: TBD

Special Education Procedures and Practices Manual for SPS

A Parent's Guide to Special Education in Connecticut (English)

A Parent's Guide to Special Education in Connecticut (Spanish)

SR-7 Form

Dyslexia Assessment Resource Guide

The Connecticut Assessment Resource Guide for Specific Learning Disabilities in Reading and Written Expression (Resource Guide), previously known as the Specific Learning Disability (SLD)/Dyslexia Assessment Resource Guide, was created in response to requests from educators and administrators from local education agencies (LEAs) and families seeking information about appropriate assessment options for the identification of SLD/Dyslexia and other reading-related learning disabilities. It was prepared by the State Education Resource Center (SERC) in 2016 in collaboration with the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) and Connecticut experts in reading disabilities. The guide evolved from Dr. Louise Spear-Swerling’s publication, The Power of RTI and Reading Profiles: A Blueprint for Solving Reading Problems (2015), which identifies research-based reading-related abilities and assessments appropriate for evaluating reading component skills. Analysis of reading component skills is critical when a student is struggling to learn to read and/or when SLD or SLD/Dyslexia is suspected.



Special Education Call Center: Last Friday, the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) announced the opening of a new Special Education Call CenterThe call center reflects a new partnership with the Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center (CPAC), Connecticut’s designated parent training and information group for children with disabilities. The call center can be accessed in English and Spanish by dialing 860-713-6966. Regular business hours are Monday-Friday (excluding holidays) 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.