School Climate Survey Spring 2024
School climate affects every aspect of the school experience. Research has shown that a positive school climate correlates to higher attendance rates, test scores, promotion rates, and graduation rates. When everyone feels welcome, safe, and valued in school, it positively impacts both teaching and learning. Research shows that positive school climate correlates to higher attendance, promotion and graduation rates.
Responses to the 2023-2024 School Climate Survey were collected from March 16 - April 7, 2024. Results of the survey were shared with all stakeholders during the June BOE meeting.
Each year, SPS utilizes answers to the previous survey to inform decisions made at the school and district level. Some questions on the 2024 survey were revised based on feedback received in Spring 2023.
SPS SHOUT OUTS - Each week, SPS acknowledges schools, staff members and students who have a positive impact on their school climate. We celebrate these individuals and groups who inspire us with unique projects, events and special efforts that positively impact our students and communities and make everyone feel welcome!
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is School Climate?
- Why is School Climate Important?
- What is a School Climate Survey?
- When does the Climate Survey open?
- Where can I find the link to the School Climate Survey?
- How long will it take to complete the School Climate Survey?
- Does my child have to complete the School Climate Survey at home?
- I have more than one child in Stamford Public Schools. Do I need to complete the School Climate Survey more than once?
- How can parents/caregivers complete the survey?
- Will the School Climate Survey be available in other languages?
- What questions will be on the School Climate Survey?
- Do I have to answer every question?
- How does SPS use the School Climate Survey results?
- Is the School Climate Survey confidential and anonymous?