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Team program




The TEAM (Teacher Education and Mentoring) Program was designed by the State of Connecticut to provide support and professional learning for new teachers during their first two years. The Stamford TEAM program is guided by the TEAM Coordinating Committee, whose membership is made up of teachers and administrators. Please click here for the current committee members.

During the two year program, beginning teachers work closely with a specially trained mentor to complete five professional growth modules that support their development as a professional. The modules are based upon the Common Core of Teaching and cover the following areas:

  • Classroom Environment, Student Engagement and Commitment to Learning 
  • Planning for Active Learning 
  • Instruction for Active Learning 
  • Assessment for Learning 
  • Professional Responsibility 

At the conclusion of each of the first four modules, the beginning teacher writes a reflection paper about their learning.  For the module on Professional Responsibilities, they participate in a facilitated discussion about issues concerning teachers. 

Stamford Public Schools enthusiastically participates in this program.  We are actively seeking experienced teachers to be mentors in every school and from any discipline to work with our beginning teachers. The mentor position is posted every year for internal candidates who meet the criteria.  Check the Stamford Public Schools website for the posting.

For more information on the TEAM program, visit CSDE TEAM.

For information about Stamford's TEAM program, contact Charmaine Tourse, Director of Talent Acquisition and Development, who serves as the District Facilitator of this program.

Charmaine Tourse 203-977-4635,