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Budget Fact Sheet

2024-25 SPS Operating Budget Summary for Families

The Stamford Public Schools budget supports:

  • Programs and services for 16,400+ students in Pre-K through Grade 12. (5th largest district in CT)
  • Salaries and benefits for 2,400+ staff, including nearly 2,000 teachers and paraeducators.
  • 23 program sites with 3 million+ square feet of building space across 300+ acres.

Stamford’s per-pupil spending ($21,023) ranks 13th in Fairfield County, behind Greenwich  ($26,696), Darien ($24,069) and New Canaan ($23,054).

The operating budget funds everyday expenses. The capital budget funds major investments such as the long-term facilities plan. The grants budget funds specific programs, services, and personnel costs.

Compared to state-wide average, Stamford spends:

  • 10% more on instruction
  • 50% less on central office expenses

SPS submitted a 6.43% increase request to the BOE. (SPS Administration eliminates $7+m in costs from draft budget and reallocates $3+m using other funding sources. A budget increase of 9.85% would be required to maintain all current programs, services, and staff from 2023-24. (Moving 123 positions from the ESSER grant to the Operating Budget, plus estimated increases in wages, healthcare, transportation, Special Education, facilities, and other operational areas).  

Even after submitting a Superintendent’s Proposed Budget with $10.5m in cuts, history suggests that the Boards of Finance and Representatives will reduce the proposed budget by at least an additional $10m. In that event, the Administration will propose additional reductions to balance the budget.

Parents and others who care about public education in Stamford need to advocate for the Superintendent’s proposed operating budget to be fully supported by the Boards of Education, Finance, and Representatives. It’s important for parents to attend committee and board meetings and to contact their elected officials to express support for the budget.  

Here’s how you can help: 

  • Join the Budget Feedback Session for Families and Community – Tuesday, January 30, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. - zoom link 

  • Attend the BOE Budget Hearing on February 1 to voice your support.

  • Contact Board of Finance Members to express your support.

  • Call or Email your Board of Representatives Members to express your support.