2023-2024 Budget Documents
FY24 Budget Messaging Fact sheet
Printable version of Frequently Asked Questions
boe approved BUDGET (5-23-23)
Multi-colored Budget Documents (5-23-23)
- 2023-24 Operating Budget by Object (5-23-23)
- 2023-24 Operating Budget by Location (5-23-23)
- 2023-24 Operating Budget by Program (5-23-23)
Sections (5-23-23)
- 2023-24 BOE's Operating Budget White Book (5-23-23)
- 2023-24 Section 01: Introduction
- 2023-24 Section 02: District Objectives & System Data
- 2023-24 Section 03: Highlights
- 2023-24 Section 04: Student Enrollment
- 2023-24 Section 05: Human Resources
- 2023-24 Section 06: Revenue
- 2023-24 Section 07: Expenditures
- 2023-24 Section 08: Site Information
- 2023-24 Section 09: Grants
- 2023-24 Section 10: Appendix
boe REQUEST (2-17-23)
Multi-colored Budget Documents (2-17-23)
- 2023-24 Operating Budget by Object (2-17-23)
- 2023-24 Operating Budget by Location (2-17-23)
- 2023-24 Operating Budget by Program (2-17-23)
Sections (2-17-23)
- 2023-24 BOE's Operating Budget White Book (2-17-23)
- 2023-24 Section 01: Introduction
- 2023-24 Section 02: District Objectives & System Data
- 2023-24 Section 03: Highlights
- 2023-24 Section 04: Student Enrollment
- 2023-24 Section 05: Human Resources
- 2023-24 Section 06: Revenue
- 2023-24 Section 07: Expenditures
- 2023-24 Section 08: Site Information
- 2023-24 Section 09: Grants
- 2023-24 Section 10: Appendix
Multi-colored Budget Documents (1-17-23)
- 2023-24 Operating Budget by Object (1-17-23)
- 2023-24 Operating Budget by Location (1-17-23)
- 2023-24 Operating Budget by Program (1-17-23)
- 2023-24 Operating Budget by Object 7 Columns (1-17-23)
Sections (1-17-23)
- 2023-24 BOE's Operating Budget White Book (1-17-23)
- 2023-24 Section 01: Introduction
- 2023-24 Section 02: District Objectives & System Data
- 2023-24 Section 03: Highlights
- 2023-24 Section 04: Student Enrollment
- 2023-24 Section 05: Human Resources
- 2023-24 Section 06: Revenue
- 2023-24 Section 07: Expenditures
- 2023-24 Section 08: Site Information
- 2023-24 Section 09: Grants
- 2023-24 Section 10: Appendix
Frequently Asked Questions
- Where does Stamford Public Schools get its funding?
- Who approves the Stamford Public Schools Budget?
- What’s the difference between the operating, capital, and grants budgets?
- How much is the Stamford Public Schools operating budget?
- Why is the SPS operating budget so big?
- How Much does Stamford Spend Per Student?
- How many Stamford Public Schools employees are working directly with students?
- Is Stamford Public Schools enrollment increasing or decreasing?
- Why are Stamford Public Schools labor costs so high?
- Why does Stamford Public Schools spend so much on special education?
- What is the average cost per student for special education vs. general education?
- How much of the SPS budget is used for instruction?
- Why does the Stamford Public Schools Budget always increase?
- Is there funding in the budget to expand the Restorative Practices Program to all schools?
- What can Stamford Public Schools do to bring transportation costs under control?
- Why Doesn’t Stamford Public Schools Apply for Additional Grants?
- I’ve heard that other districts get more State money for their schools. How can Stamford Public Schools get more support from the State of Connecticut?
- Why doesn’t SPS redistrict so fewer students would require bus transportation?
- What is SPS doing now to prepare for the impending FY25 “fiscal cliff” so the burden doesn’t fall on taxpayers?
- I don’t have children in Stamford Public Schools. Why should I support more spending for education?
- I’ve heard that Stamford Public Schools aren’t as good as those in neighboring communities. Why should I support more spending for sub-par schools?
- How can parents get involved in the budgeting process?
- What can parents do to advocate for the Stamford Public Schools budget?