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Weekly Message from the Superintendent


Dear SPS Community: 

On Thursday, I was joined by Mayor Simmons, BOE President Michael Hyman, Family Centers Chief Health Officer Dennis Torres, and many community partners for the Grand Opening of the Stamford Public Schools Welcome Center. The Welcome Center is where parents and families can go for assistance with registration, school physical appointments, PowerSchool and other technology, or to get information about community resources. I encourage everyone to stop by the Welcome Center, located at 11 W. North Street within Cloonan Middle School, to see this new facility and to meet the Family & Community Engagement staff.  

Upcoming BOE Budget Meetings 

The FY26 budget process continues next week with two important meetings: 

  • Tuesday, February 4 at 6:30 pm (in person and via Zoom): The BOE monthly workshop meeting will focus on the FY26 budget. 
  • Thursday, February 6 at 7 pm (in person and via Zoom). The BOE will host its annual public budget hearing. This is the public’s opportunity to address the Board regarding the FY26 Budget. You must email the Board secretary, Jennifer Gonzalez, by 6 pm on February 6 to speak at the meeting.  

We now have a Community Budget Guide (English/Spanish) for FY26. The detailed budget book and other FY26 budget documents are available to view online

End of Year Planning: Moving Up & Graduation Dates

We’ve made it through December and January without any weather-related school closures. As a reminder, any weather-related closures in February or March will be added to the end of the school year, which as of now is Thursday, June 12. 

Some of you are already asking about the dates for high school graduations and elementary, K-8, and middle school moving up ceremonies. Due to possible inclement weather days, it is the practice in Stamford to wait until late March to set high school graduation dates. We will share the dates for our high school graduations and moving up ceremonies in early April. 

School Meals Program 

There’s been some misinformation circulating about the school meals program for next school year. 

Since 2020, Stamford Public Schools has provided meals to all students at no charge thanks to generous COVID-era meal reimbursements from the federal government and the District’s participation in the USDA’s Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). CEP enables districts with a high percentage of students who qualify for free and reduced lunch to provide meals to all students at no charge. 

With the excess federal meal reimbursement funds now depleted, the District would need to add $1 million to the operating budget to continue providing free meals for all students next year. Instead, it is likely that when school opens in the fall, we will return to the program where only students who qualify for free and reduced-price meals—after completing the application process—would receive that benefit.

APPLES 2025-26 Parent Information Session: February 5 

If you are entering your child in the APPLES Pre-K General Education Program lottery for the 2025-26 school year, please attend the Parent Information Session on Wednesday, February 5 at 5:30 pm. During this meeting, parents will learn about the program and have the opportunity to tour the school. 

The APPLES General Education Program lottery is open now for 2025-26. Click here to apply. Applications are due February 24. 

Students must be at least 3 years old on or before September 1, 2025, to attend APPLES.  


Stay Safe and Healthy!

Dr. Tamu Lucero
Superintendent of Schools



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