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Weekly Message from the Superintendent

Superintendent's Weekly Message - August 23, 2024

Dear SPS Families and Staff:

As we look forward to welcoming students back to school in just a few days, I’d like to remind everyone that strong partnerships among families, schools, and the larger community are a key part of a successful education experience. The Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) notes:

“When schools, families and the community work together, children benefit. School staff, families and community members each make important contributions to student development and success, and the best results come when all three work together as equal partners. No matter what their income or background, students with involved families tend to have higher grades and test scores, better attendance, and higher rates of homework completion. They enroll in more challenging classes, have better social skills and behavior, and are more likely to graduate and go on to college.”

We will do our best to provide a warm, welcoming, and engaging academic environment for your children. If you need additional support for your child or family, or have questions about community resources, please reach out to your school’s Family & Community Engagement Liaison (Parent Facilitator), your school social worker, or contact the Office of Family & Community Engagement at 203.977.5312 or

Welcome New Teachers!

On Tuesday, SPS welcomed 85 teachers for New Hire Orientation! These amazing individuals spent two days with us learning about our District, receiving important information from the human resources team and the Stamford Education Association, meeting their school administrators, and learning about our curriculum and instructional practices to support all learners, special education programs, and more. I am especially proud to say that 23 of our new teachers are SPS graduates. To all of our new teachers, I want to say welcome to your new home and thank you for joining our team!

Bus Assignments & Student Schedules Available in PowerSchool

Student bus assignments, teacher assignments, and student schedules are now posted in PowerSchool. Bus routes are available to view on the website. If you completed school enrollment before August 14 and your child qualifies for bus transportation, your child should have a bus assignment in PowerSchool. If you do not have a bus assignment or if there is an issue with your bus assignment, please complete this form and someone from the transportation department will get back to you.

Story Time at the Stamford Downtown Farmers Market - Tomorrow at 10:15 am

Join SPS at the Stamford Downtown Farmers Market tomorrow at 10:15 am for Children’s Story Time. APPLES PreK Director Kendra Brown will be our guest reader. The Farmers Market is located in Veterans Memorial Park at 130 Atlantic Street. Following Story Time with Mrs. Brown, be sure to shop for fruits, vegetables, baked goods, cheeses, and more! WIC & SNAP accepted.

Stamford Youth Mental Health Alliance

The Stamford Youth Mental Health Alliance (Stamford YMHA) is a city-wide network of 35+ organizations—including Stamford Public Schools—that are working together to improve access to mental health services for children and adolescents. The Stamford YMHA teamed up with the City of Stamford Department of Health & Human Services to create a resource guide outlining the mental health services in our community. The resource guide is available in English, Spanish, Haitian-Creole, and Ukrainian.

Visiting Schools

We look forward to welcoming families into our schools and hope you will take every opportunity to get involved in your school community. For everyone’s safety and security, we ask that visitors always utilize the security buzzers for building access and that you check in at the security desk or main office to get a visitor’s badge. Please wear your visitors badge at all times. These measures are required to ensure a safe school environment for everyone. Enjoy this last weekend before school begins. We look forward to seeing Kindergarten, 6th and 9th grade students on Tuesday and all students on Wednesday. Stay Safe & Healthy!


Dr. Tamu Lucero




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