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Weekly Message from the Superintendent


Dear SPS Community: 

On Tuesday night during the BOE’s Teaching, Learning, and Community Committee (TLC) Meeting, members of the SPS Teaching & Learning Department shared an update on the high school master scheduling process. As most of you know, SPS will transition to a Flexible Schedule in the high schools beginning in 2025-26. The Flexible Schedule will enable students to earn 8 credits per year toward graduation while taking no more than 4-6 classes at a time.   

Flexible scheduling puts all students first. It provides personalization and equitable opportunities for post-secondary success, whether students plan to attend college, enter the military, or go directly into the workforce after high school. 

High School Course Selection Continues through February 28  

This month, more than 5,000 students in grades 8-11 are meeting with school counselors to make course selections for the 2025-26 school year. Our three high schools will offer more than 2,000 sections of more than 450 courses next year, all taught by our dedicated teachers. You can learn about each course in the AITE and Stamford High / Westhill Programs of Studies.   

Students and families with questions about course selection should speak with their school counselor. The deadline to submit course selections for 2025-26 is Friday, February 28. Counselors will have first drafts of student schedules in May. Final student schedules will be available in PowerSchool in August.  

2025-26 Magnet School Lottery Drawing  

The SPS magnet school lottery drawing is Tuesday, February 18. Notification of lottery results will be emailed to all participating families within 7 days. Notifications will be sent to the email address on the lottery application and will include either an offer of a seat or a waitlist number. If your child is offered a seat, you must accept by Tuesday, March 11. If you do not accept by the deadline, your child will be moved to the end of the waitlist. Please note, when you accept an offered seat in a K-5 or K-8 magnet school, your child’s name will be removed from the waitlist(s) for any other schools to which you applied. 

Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten registration for 2025-26 opens on Monday, March 3. Stamford resident children who turn five years old on or before September 1, 2025, are eligible to begin kindergarten in August. Please encourage anyone with a child eligible for kindergarten to begin the registration process in March. Registering early helps us manage enrollment and staffing. Click here to find out what documentation you need to register or email with questions.

Save the Date for Kindergarten Play and Learn Night

After you register your child for kindergarten, please save the date for our annual Play & Learn Night for incoming kindergarten students and their families. This year, all 13 elementary and K-8 schools will host Play & Learn Night on Wednesday, April 23 at 5:30 pm. This is an opportunity for incoming K students and their families to meet the kindergarten teachers and staff at their assigned school. 

Regularly Update Emergency Contacts in PowerSchool 

As a follow-up reminder from our January weekly message, parents/guardians are encouraged to add one or more non-custodial adults as emergency contacts in PowerSchool. These can be extended family members or other trusted adults who are authorized to pick up a child from school in case of an illness, emergency, or weather-related closure when parents/guardians are unavailable.

Get Notified About School Closings, Delays, and Early Dismissals

Families should make sure that their phone numbers and email addresses are up to date in PowerSchool to receive timely notifications about weather-related delays, early dismissals, and school closures. New this school year, you may also opt-in to receive text messages from SPS. Text “Y” or “YES” to 67587 from your mobile phone to begin receiving text messages. 

Staff should refer to the School Messenger Notifications HR Bulletin to learn how to opt-in to receive phone calls and text messages about inclement weather delays and closures.   

More information about inclement weather protocols can be found here

Long Weekend

Schools are closed tomorrow, Friday, February 14, and Monday, February 17. Enjoy the long weekend!  

Stay Safe and Healthy!

Dr. Tamu Lucero
Superintendent of Schools



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