Summer- Board and Superintendent Discuss and Identify District Goals Based on the Discussion, the Superintendent (and others as needed) drafts Annual Performance Goals and District Goals
Fall- Board of Education Reviews and Considers Approval of Annual District Goals Review of District and Building Improvement Plans in the Context of District Goals
January- Mid-year review of Board Goals and Superintendent Performance Goals; Informal discussion regarding Superintendent Performance as it relates to the LEAD CT Superintendent Competency Framework and progress toward goals; Informal feedback provided by BOE to Superintendent; Goals Adjusted as needed.
- Superintendent Evaluation Session Superintendent presents information/data on both District Improvement Goals and Superintendent Performance
- Standards BOE evaluates superintendent’s job performance based on the information presented and the standards outlined in the LEAD CT Superintendent Competency Framework. B
- OEchair or his/her designee prepares a summary of the Superintendent Evaluation discussion, the evaluation is shared with the superintendent and if it is a written document, it is most often filed in the superintendent’s personnel file.