District and School Performance Dashboard Indicators (PDI)
No later than June 2025, the Superintendent will work in collaboration with Partners in Educational Leadership (PEL) to develop district and school Performance Dashboard Indicators (PDI) to be used to inform goals included in the District Strategic Improvements Plan (DSIP) and School Strategic Improvement Plans (SSIP).
No later than August 2025, the Superintendent, in collaboration with Partners in Educational Leadership (PEL), will work to train Associate Superintendents to use Performance Dashboard Indicators (PDI) to draft District Strategic Improvements Plan goals, as well as support principals and school teams in drafting School Strategic Improvement Plan goals.
No later than October 2025, the Superintendent, in collaboration with the Associate Superintendents, will present to the BOE Teaching and Learning Committee the District Strategic Improvements Plan and selected School Strategic Improvement Plans representing Elementary, Middle and High School, developed with Performance Dashboard Indicators (PDI).
Aligned District-wide Improvement Cycle Plan
No later than June 2025, the Superintendent, in collaboration with the Center for Educational Leadership (CEL), will establish an Aligned District-wide Improvement Cycle Plan to use when implementing SPS initiatives with potential for significant impact. The Aligned District-wide Improvement Cycle Plan will be based on diagnosis, planning, implementation and monitoring and will require the Superintendent to establish leading and lagging indicators for success as well as an action plan for continuing, stopping, or revising SPS initiatives with potential for significant impact and/or updated protocols for the BOE.
No later than February 2025 and April 2025, the Superintendent, in collaboration with the CAO and Associate Superintendents, will identify SPS initiatives with potential for significant impact and conduct a mini pilot of the draft district-wide improvement cycle. Results will be analyzed and presented to the BOE no later than June 30, 2025.