Priorities and Successes to Build Upon:
SPS offers a learning experience rich in cultural and thought diversity, in an environment that is reflective of the global society in which our students will live and work. We work collaboratively across buildings and teams and in partnership with our community to support all students as they reach for their personal best.
Since the Strategic Planning Process was conducted in 2017, there are many bright spots to celebrate and many opportunities to build upon. Priorities identified by our community for the 2022-2027 Strategic Plan include:
- Implement national and international best practices in education
- Encourage innovation in everything we do
- Improve the education experience for both high achieving and struggling students
- Enhance community engagement and collaboration
- Gather community input on a regular basis
- Increase and improve communications
- Strengthen the culture of inclusion
- Prioritize academic achievement
- Implement a long-term Master Facilities Plan
- Maintain fiscally responsible budgeting
- Improve and ensure school safety
- Ensure equity of access for each student
Challenges and Areas of Concern
While we mark how far we have come, we also recognize how far we need to go. The following areas of concerns have been identified as priorities by our community. SPS will commit time and resources to these important issues. In collaboration with our community we will ensure that we provide each student with access to the resources that they need for personal growth and success.
- Persistent gaps in achievement exist for economically disadvantaged students, English learners, and special education students.
- The staff reports varied levels of engagement, support and satisfaction.
- Communication needs to continue to improve, both internally and eternally.
- School safety is an ongoing concern.
- Board policies are extensive, but need to be reviewed and updated.
- Many SPS facilities are old, outdated or in need of repair.
- There is not a clear connection between department and building goals and budget priorities.
- Students and parents would like to see a shift from large group, teacher-centered direct instruction to differentiated, small-group instruction.
- The number of students joining and persisting in our music and arts programs declines from elementary through high school.
- There is not enough focus on offering enrichment opportunities for each student at the level of their need, including special education and gifted/talented students.
- The use of formative assessments for the collection and analysis of data is not consistent district-wide.
- Families would like to see additional support and training offered to parents (especially for families with marginalized learners).
- The lasting impact of the pandemic is still unknown. Prioritize social-emotional skill development and mental health supports.