Daily Check-list
COVID-19 Daily Parent Checklist
Complete this COVID-19 Daily Parent Checklist for your child before attending school each day
1. Does your child have any of the following symptoms?
Fever more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit |
Yes |
No |
Chills |
Yes |
No |
If the student has a fever more than 100 degrees or feel feverish they should not report in-person until their fever has resolved for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.
Cough |
Yes |
No |
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing |
Yes |
No |
Fatigue |
Yes |
No |
Muscle or body aches |
Yes |
No |
Headache |
Yes |
No |
New loss of taste or smell |
Yes |
No |
Sore throat |
Yes |
No |
Nasal congestion or runny nose |
Yes |
No |
Nausea & Vomiting |
Yes |
No |
Diarrhea |
Yes |
No |
If you answered YES to any of the above questions and the student lives with a person who recently tested positive for COVID-19 within the past two weeks should stay home from school until the symptoms resolve and test for COVID-19.
If your child has not been exposed to COVID-19 see the Test- Mask- Go protocol provided by the State of Connecticut.
Anyone testing positive for COVID-19 should complete isolation according to the CDC Q/I Calculator Quarantine and Isolation (Q&I) Calculator FAQ | CDC